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What The Law Really Requires

What the Law Really Requires The Complete Accessible Route Get unparalleled insight into "What the Law really Requires: The Complete Accessible Route". In this series we delve into the world of shopping centers and uncover the essential elements that go into creating a seamless path of travel for all individuals, requirements and potential risks.

In these videos, we shed light on the importance of having a fully accessible route that extends from the city sidewalk right up to the store front, all the way to inside your business. Witness firsthand how ACR Design & Build has meticulously crafted two exemplary projects that exemplify compliance with accessibility laws and regulations both in smaller and larger centers.

These walkthroughs provide valuable insights into the potential pitfalls that Property Owners & Businesses may encounter when striving to achieve complete accessibility. Join us on this journey as we showcase the critical components that make up ADA Compliance Construction, and learn how to keep your business protected from Lawsuits.

Our Projects

ACR ADA Compliant Shopping Center
ACR ADA Compliant Shopping Center ACR Background White Geometric

Ensure ADA Compliance

Avoid Costly Lawsuits & Get Expert ADA Construction Today!